Signs of potential disordered breathing patterns:
“Fast” breathing at rest (>12 breaths/minute)
Breathing through the mouth
Frequently feeling “winded” or breathless
Issues while sleeping (snoring, insomnia, sleep apnea)
Breathing and Respiratory Problems
Breathing is incredibly complex. And yet, for most of us, our breath runs on autopilot in the background of our busy lives. For some people, this autopilot mode can become dysregulated and start to cause problems.
Decades of scientific research robustly demonstrate that our breath impacts our physiological and psychological states. Ineffective or improper breathing has been associated with higher rates of anxiety, fatigue, poor concentration, cardiovascular problems, as well as neurological and digestive issues.
Together, through functional breathwork, we will examine the biochemical, biomechanical, and psychological components that may be contributing to any unhealthy breathing patterns. Once we have identified how to improve your breathing, we will examine the environmental and lifestyle factors that may trigger these unhealthy patterns and give you the tools to make these newer, healthier breathing patterns automatic.