Participate in Research! / by Brett Welch

Hi! Yes, I’m terrible at keeping this blog up to date.

But, as you may know, I am working on my PhD at the University of Pittsburgh, and our lab is conducting some really cool research studies. I wanted to share this one with you -

Our lab at the University of Pittsburgh is conducting a research study to measure how people experience stress. If you are a US citizen or resident between the ages of 18-65 years old, you are eligible to participate! The study involves filling out some questionnaires about how stress manifests itself in your body. Depending on your unique stress response, the survey could take as little as 5 minutes or up to approximately 15 minutes to complete. To compensate you for completing the survey, you can choose to have your name entered for the opportunity to receive an iPad. You may also elect to do the survey as a volunteer without compensation (i.e., without having your name entered to receive an iPad).

Some respondents may be invited to fill out the survey a second time at a later date and will again have the opportunity to receive compensation.

If you'd like to participate, please click this link: